Sustainable Packaging Trends for 2024

Know the emerging sustainability trends in packaging that will help brands elevate their business to another level. See some examples of green packaging solutions that you should definitely consider.

There’s been a surge in demand for eco-friendly packaging over the years. And there are no signs of it slowing down. Sustainable packaging is here to stay.

In today’s post, we’re looking at some of the emerging trends in packaging that will help brands elevate their business to another level. We’re also giving examples of green packaging solutions that you should definitely consider.

With that said, let’s jump right into it.

The Biggest Trends in Sustainable Packaging

Gift Bags by The Thrifty Handmade

These are just some of the biggest trends regarding sustainable packaging.


Having customization options is a big deal for brands. They know how important sustainability is for consumers — and businesses are willing to switch to eco-friendly packaging to address that. But it doesn’t change how manufacturers need custom packaging options to present their products in the best light.

What custom options do they need?

The ability to choose different sizes is one. Being able to select a material and finish is also important. Fortunately, some printing companies can provide these options.


Giving customers reusable packaging lowers the need to dispose of them after one use. Single-use packaging is on its way out. For example, retailers today are replacing plastic bags with ones made from kraft paper.

Gift bags are also a good replacement because they’re sturdy and reusable.

Having a great design encourages customers to reuse their packaging. Having a simple logo could make your bag look classy and timeless. If you operate a store, ask customers to bring their bags the next time they visit. They’ll get another use out of their bags and you get to cut down costs on packaging materials.

Eco-Friendly Materials

Finding eco-friendly materials to build your packaging materials should be a priority. There are many types to choose from but the most accessible would probably be cardboard and paper. You can make all sorts of packaging with these two options.

Make boxes, bags, tissue paper, wrapping paper, and more. 

Paper and cardboard are recyclable. That means your packaging wouldn’t end up in landfills. Some materials are compostable. Customers can also drop them off in recycling centers.

Product Boxes by Infinery
Product Boxes by Infinery


Minimalism is a design trend that’s gaining popularity, especially in the world of sustainable packaging. This is even more prevalent in luxury and cosmetic product packaging. A minimalist design will use toned-down colors and limited illustrations to make its point.

And they all look stunning.

You won’t find anyone arguing against minimalism because they all turn out amazing. Designs are more pleasant to the eyes. They make your brand feel premium as well.


You’ll want to use eco-friendly packaging that’s convenient to use. They should be easy to store and ship to customers. Some online printers will ship sustainable boxes flat, meaning you could store them inside drawers and cabinets until you’re ready to use them.

Packaging should be convenient for shoppers too. They should be easy to carry around. Recyclable bags, for example, should not break under certain weight even if they’re made from eco-friendly materials.

Sustainable Packaging Examples

Here are a couple of sustainable packaging options for manufacturers and retailers.

Product Boxes

Product boxes are used by businesses to protect items from light scratches, bumps, and contaminants. They’re the most basic form of product packaging. And the best part is that these are eco-friendly since they’re made from recyclable cardboard.

Shipping Boxes

Shipping Boxes by Curly Cue Design Studio
Shipping Boxes by Curly Cue Design Studio

Shipping boxes are what online sellers need to mail orders to customers. These are tough enough to handle regular shipping conditions. After customers receive their products, they can recycle these boxes or use them to store personal items.

Wine Bottle Carriers

Wine bottle carriers make it possible for shoppers to transport more than one bottle at a time. These carriers are also ideal for other bottled products like olive oil. They are recyclable as well as they’re made from cardboard.

Gift Bags

Gift bags are a great alternative to plastic bags. Not only are these sturdy, but they’re reusable as well. And they’re like walking advertisements for brands. They look so classy that customers wouldn’t mind walking around with them. 

Paper Shopping Bags

If you find gift bags to be a bit much, then maybe paper shopping bags would be a better fit for your business. These are considerably lighter but can still hold a substantial weight. Customers can recycle these just like any other paper product.

Tote Bags

Tote bags reusable bags that people bring with them just in case they need to carry something on the way home. You can use tote bags instead of plastic shopping bags to encourage customers to use less plastic.


These are just some of the trends you have to watch out for if you’re thinking about using sustainable packaging. You’ll want to shift to using paper or cardboard packaging since most consumers support businesses that do. And there’s no arguing that eco-friendly packaging will save the environment.

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