Ecommerce Packaging: What You Need to Know

If you’re unfamiliar with e-commerce packaging, this post is for you!

You snagged tickets to the sold-out concert of your dreams! Outfit prepped, excitement levels maxed... then you walk in and see the crowd. Everyone's rocking limited-edition tees, glowing wristbands, the whole fan club experience. Your trusty band t-shirt, once perfect, suddenly feels...well, basic. 

That's the thing about uninspired packaging — it can leave your brand feeling out of place and dated.

This post will show you how to elevate your e-commerce packaging from afterthought to VIP experience, making customers feel like they just scored the best seat in the house (and the coolest merch!).

What Is E-commerce Packaging?

E-commerce packaging refers to boxes, poly mailers, and other packaging materials that online retailers use to ship products to customers. These packaging should survive rough shipping conditions and impress customers on the receiving end.

In addition, e-commerce packaging is responsible for promoting the brand. If you're an online seller, you'll never have any face-to-face interaction with your customers. The best you can do is provide them with packaging that gets your marketing message across.

In short:

You use e-commerce packaging to deliver products to customers and promote your business.

Why E-commerce Packaging Matters

You might be thinking, "Isn't e-commerce packaging more for flashy consumer brands?"  Think again! 

Well-designed packaging can help elevate businesses to another level.

Reinforce Your Brand Identity

Shopping online means customers can't hold products before making a purchase. So, ecommerce packaging becomes a brand's silent ambassador. It's an opportunity to tell your brand story through design. 

Use your logo, colors, and fonts to create a visual connection with your brand. High-quality materials and thoughtful extras like tissue paper or notes can even create a sense of luxury or eco-friendliness. It's really up to you and how you want to present your brand.

This emotional connection with the packaging strengthens how customers perceive your brand. If done right, it can lead to brand loyalty.

Project Professionalism

E-commerce packaging can elevate your brand image and project professionalism. A well-designed box that uses high-quality materials and clean, crisp printing reflects care and attention to detail, which translates to a perception of professionalism for your brand.  

Imagine receiving a high-end phone in a flimsy box with blurry printing. It wouldn't inspire confidence, would it? 

Conversely, a sturdy box with clear labeling and a minimalist logo conveys a sense of quality and professionalism. This impression carries over to the brand itself.

Protect Your Products

E-commerce packaging acts as a protective shield for your products during their journey. It safeguards against physical impact and environmental factors.

Corrugated cardboard boxes are strong and can withstand bumps and drops that might occur during shipping. This ensures fragile items like electronics or glassware arrive safely.

Packaging can also protect products against external elements that could damage them. Moisture-proof materials shield products from water damage, while UV-resistant coatings protect them from sunlight degradation.

Reduce Shipping Costs

You can reduce your shipping expenses by using the correct type of packaging.

Choosing boxes that closely match your product size eliminates wasted space, bringing down dimensional shipping costs. This might involve ordering a range of box sizes or using poly mailers for smaller, non-fragile items. 

Impress Customers

E-commerce packaging can transform a simple delivery into a delightful customer experience.

Picture this: Your customers eagerly receive a beautifully designed box from your brand. As they open it, they're greeted by your product and carefully placed tissue paper or a heartfelt handwritten note.

This meticulous attention to detail isn't just packaging — it's an emotional connection. It's what sets your brand apart and leaves a lasting impression.

Types of E-commerce Packaging Solutions

Your online store is humming and orders are flying in. That's great! Now you just have to figure out what type of packaging to use.

Here's a list of the most popular options:

  • Product Boxes — Product boxes can be made from paperboard or lightweight corrugated cardboard. They provide a high-end visual appeal that remains uncluttered by labels and information required for shipping.
  • Shoe Boxes — Though shoe boxes originated for footwear, some industries use them as product packaging, including electronic accessories like cables, office supplies, travel kits, and collectibles. As long as food items are individually wrapped, they can be placed inside shoe boxes, too.
  • Mailer Boxes — Mailer boxes are a cross between shipping and product boxes. Use them to mail products to customers or solely for product packaging.
  • Wine Display Gift Boxes — Wine display gift boxes and bottle carriers not only make wine products look amazing but also make them easier to carry. When used with an outer shipping box, they can be a key packaging component for bottle-based “product of the month” subscriptions.
  • Shipping Boxes — Shipping boxes aren't only for mailing products to customers, though that is their primary purpose. Businesses that sell large items like appliances frequently use shipping boxes as product packaging.

We have a blog post that dives deeper into this topic. Check out 7 Types of Boxes for Business Packaging if you'd like to learn more.

Securing Boxes With Tape

How you seal your e-commerce boxes is just as important as the box itself. Here are some of your options:

  • Water-Activated Tape — The eco-conscious choice! This strong, tamper-evident tape is perfect for corrugated cardboard boxes.
  • Heat-Activated Tape — For extra-heavy duty shipments, consider heat-activated tapes.
  • Custom Tape — An affordable way to add a final branding flourish.

Packaging Fillers

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Protecting your B2B products during their journey requires the right infill:

  • Tissue Paper — A versatile and eco-friendly option. You can crumple it, wrap products in it, shred it, or use it as void fill.
  • Packing Peanuts — Made from cornstarch, these biodegradable alternatives to traditional packing peanuts offer eco-conscious cushioning.
  • Air Pillows — Air pillows are lightweight, inflatable plastic bags used in e-commerce packaging to fill empty space within shipping boxes.

So Keep In Mind

We understand that navigating the world of e-commerce packaging can be overwhelming. That's where we come in! PackM offers businesses a comprehensive suite of packaging solutions — from design and sourcing to expert advice.  

Contact us today so we can talk about creating e-commerce packaging that elevates your brand!

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