Custom Hang Tags

It’s all about the details. Use hang tags to provide information about your product. Attach to clothes, jars, candles, electronics, and more. Flat and folded options are available.

Why Print Custom Hang Tags?

Business owners use hang tags to present product information and promote their brands. It’s commonly used in the apparel industry where there’s little to no space for text. For instance, a t-shirt seller might use hang tags to provide washing instructions.

However, other industries use hang tags too. You can find jars with hang tags attached to them. They’re also popular with candle makers.

Retailers will use hang tags to add pricing information or indicate discounted items. They’re also handy for disclosing warnings, safety instructions, or any other legal information you might have to disclose.

If you’re having a sale, hang tags can help customers distinguish which items are discounted and which ones are still at regular prices.

Should You Use Flat or Folded Hang Tags?

PackM offers two types of hang tags — flat and folded.

Flat hang tags are ideal for including short messages. You’ll usually have the brand name on the front and care instructions on the back. If you don’t need to say anything beyond that, you should order flat hang tags.

But if there’s more to say or you really want to make a huge impression on customers, folded hang tags are the way to go. One reason to use folded hang tags is to leave instructions in multiple languages — something that wouldn’t fit in a flat tag.

Differences Between Flat and Folded Hang Tags

There are other differences between flat and folded hang tags apart from those already mentioned.

Flat hang tags have six size options compared to folded tags which only have two. The smallest flat hang tag is 2 x 2 in. while the biggest would be 3 x 3 in. The two folded hang tag sizes are 3.25 x 4 in. (pre-scored to 3.25 x 2 in.) and 4 x 4 in. (pre-scored to 4 x 2 in.).

You’ll have more hole position options with flat hang tags. You can place them on the top left, top center, or top right of the tag. Folded hang tags can only accommodate holes on the top left.

Having pre-punched holes will make it easier for you to attach strings.

The material options are the same for both. Choose from recycled matte, gloss, uncoated, or premium kraft covers. For those who are wondering, kraft is brown cardstock that’s reminiscent of cardboard.

Design Your Own Custom Hang Tags

Being able to design hang tags is what makes the whole process exciting. You get to make them as simple or as extravagant as you want.

If you don’t know how to make one, we have a Design Tool that you can use to create designs worthy of your brand. You can upload design assets, insert text, or add images to your work. There’s a live preview to show you what your hang tags might look like once they’re printed.

If you need inspiration, go check out our Design Hub. It’s full of designs that our customers made for their own businesses.

Call us or use our live chat feature to get in touch with a customer representative if you have questions or concerns.

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