Custom packaging supplies

Send customers special messages using packaging supplies. Say thanks with flat cards, flyers, and header cards. Great for promoting products and events. Available in many sizes.

Go the Extra Mile With Custom Packaging Supplies

Make customers feel the love by including custom flat cards, flyers, or header cards. Let them know that you appreciate their business by inserting thank you notes in their packages.

But these products could do more than help you show appreciation. 

The right-sized flat card would make a great business card. Flyers are ideal for promoting an upcoming event. Header cards make products stand out when they’re on display, especially on hooks or pegs.

You don’t have to insert flyers and flat cards in packages if you don’t want to. It’s not that uncommon to find them inside shops or handed out on the streets. They’re absolutely versatile. You can use them however you want to.

Having your logo, tagline, and business name on these packaging supplies will make your brand easier to remember. 

What Else Can You Do With Packaging Supplies?

Yes, flat cards work well as thank you cards. But they have other uses. 

Use them as invitations or postcards. Flat cards are also popular around the holidays because they make amazing greeting cards. Are you having dinner with clients or friends? Having place cards on the table will make you look like a pro at dinner parties.

Photographers can use flat cards to show off their work.

Flyers are just as useful. They’re amazing at disseminating information like seasonal sales or limited-time offers. You can use flyers for loyalty programs too. And some online sellers print product information on them. They let customers know how to properly care for the items they just bought.

Header cards can work the same way — only they go where the products go. In that sense, they’re better for advertising your business.

Make Your Own Packaging Design

There are several ways you can start printing your packaging designs. If you already have design files available, you just upload them to our site and we’ll handle the rest. You can get in touch with a customer representative if you need help.

However, you can create a design from scratch using the PackM Design Tool. 

This tool will allow you to upload design assets like your company logo, enter text, add shapes, and move them around as needed. You’ll be in complete control of your design. There’s even a live preview so you’ll know what your product would look like when printed.

Check out the PackM Design Hub if you want to see marketing materials designed by our customers.

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