Everything You Need to Know About Packaging Fillers

Packaging fillers and void fills are materials that are placed inside a packing for protection or visual purposes.

Packaging fillers and void fills are materials that are placed inside a packing for protection or visual purposes. Most fillers are used to cover empty spots inside the packaging to prevent items from moving or getting damaged. Other types of fillers are also used to create an extra layer of protection for fragile items.

In this article, we cover common forms of packaging fillers and void fills and explain the usage and benefits of each type.

1. Custom Tissue Papers

Custom tissue paper is a simple yet elegant item to add inside a packaging. A delicate layer of paper that can be customized to fit the brand image and the packaging. It allows you to create a luxurious unboxing experience.

custom cookie tissue paper

Custom tissue paper is great to use for clothing, books, and products that require an extra layer of protection from dust and minor scratches. Tissue papers are commonly used for marketing the brand and adding an extra touch to the unboxing experience.

There are plenty of designs and styles of tissue papers available to choose from, including recycled tissue papers. A great sustainable way to add luxury to your packaging.

2. Shredded Paper

Shredded paper, also known as crinkle paper, is a multi-purpose packaging fill. They are commonly used to create cushioning under products and keep them in place. Their density allows you to use this filler for small and relatively heavy products such as cosmetic items and jars.

shredded paper packaging filler

They are a great eco-friendly and inexpensive filler to enhance your packaging. It adds a sense of organic characteristics to your brand while keeping it simple and elegant.

3. Spiro Packs

Spiro packs are the new alternatives for shredded paper. This new and trendy packaging void fill is a spiral-shaped sustainable paper. This unique and innovative void fill takes less space compared to paper shreds or air pillows.

They are great for adding an extra layer of cushioning and an element of design. Their minimalist designs create an enhanced unboxing experience while allowing brands to stay sustainable. Their ability to be fully customized based on brand colors has put them a step ahead of the competition.

4. Dividers

Dividers create custom inserts inside the packaging and fill the empty spots between the products. These are great for business that offer bundles and subscription boxes that contains multiple products in one packaging.

Dividers create spaces that fit the products, therefore keeping the products safe during the shipping and handling process. It also adds nice details in the presentation of the products and enhances the unboxing experience.

Dividers are fully customizable in different shapes, sizes, materials, and colors. Great for creating unique and durable packaging.

5. Bubble Wraps

Bubble wraps are one of the most traditional void fillers to use for fragile items. They offer great protection for wrapping items inside the packaging and adding extra cushioning. Although they are fun to pop, they are not good for the environment. This plastic filler is more difficult to recycle compared to other paper-based fillers.

bubble wrap

Bubble wraps are not customizable and are mainly used to protect fragile items. They are other altercates for those brands that are looking for customizable and eco-friendly fillers.

6. Air Pillows

Similar to bubble wraps, air pillows are plastic filled with air in the shape of small pillows. Air pillows are great for filling in big voids, preventing breakage, and keeping items in place.

Air pillows have their disadvantages too. They are not visually pleasant nor customizable. If you are looking to deliver an elegant unboxing experience, air pillows are not the fillers for you. They are also not sustainable and create extra waste for the customers.

7. Packing Peanuts

Packing peanuts offer great protection and are easy to use. They are commonly for fragile items to prevent damages. They are perfect for brands who want efficiency in the fulfillment process and are not looking for custom fillers.

Packing peanuts that are made of polystyrene foam could be one of the most harmful void fillers for our environment. However, companies now offer packing peanuts that are made of nontoxic organic resources. These fillers are easier to compose and safe for the environment

8. Custom Fillers

Looking for something that is not available in the market? Then custom fillers are the right option for you. Create custom designs and fillers that are tailored for your products and packaging. With custom fillers, you can add protection and design elements that elevate the unboxing experience.

How to choose the right filler

As you learned, fillers are a crucial part of the packaging. They offer safety for customer satisfaction and design element for brand identity. So before making this important decision, sit back and ask these questions?

  • Is protection more important than branding and design for my products?
  • How much does my brand values sustainability?
  • What is my budget for product and labor?
  • What type of unboxing experience do I want to deliver to my customers?

After answering these questions, you will have a clear idea of what filler to choose from.

If you have already made your decision, head to our website or call us at (424) 271-0700 and PackM experts will help you to create your custom packaging void fills.

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